Thursday 19 August 2021

Shower Drainage Improvement

When we bought our motorhome we were first timers, and we expected the shower to drain like a house shower. So we were dismayed when the floor filled with water, and the drain seemed blocked from day one!

So we decided to add a quick exit for the water, closer to the back of the unit. We did this in 2015.
But over time, this alteration to the drain pipe from the shower improved drainage about 50%. (OK, but not great.)

We suggest you only try this if you are experienced at DIY plumbing. Bob cannot do much (stroke survivor) so he gave instructions to me, and I was the labourer.
This is not "how to" instructions. It is only "what we did". 
And we don't recommend anyone doing it.

The wires that you see in the photo are not the problem. There are wires attached under the floor, going from front to back, that are not in this photograph. And I can't reach them to take a pic, sorry.

We started with small holes in the floor of the 'wardrobe' (Skywave 2014)
then felt underneath to locate the wires before we started to cut out the floor panel.  
We managed to avoid our wires and made a hole big enough to expose the pipes that lead from the basin and the shower to the grey water tank. 

To ascertain which pipe was the shower outlet, we run water in the shower to hear (and feel) it coming through the pipe.

We used a reciprocating saw and hacksaw to cut the pipe. (See diag: A)

Then we added a "T" fitting. (See diag B)
We thought a "T" was necessary here, so that you can still drain into the grey water tank by closing the stop-cock outside the vehicle. 

Blue pipe glue (PVC Cement) was used to seal the joins, and liquid nails used on the flexible hose.

Then a flexible extension was added to the "T" fitting, (C) followed by a 90 degree fitting that went though a hole in the floor. (D)

We continued outside (underneath) by adding a stop cock. 

From there a short garden hose as attached to make it possible to run the shower water into a grey water hose.

As said above, it was half successful. I think that sloping the vehicle down at the front improves the drainage as well. So try that first. (:-o)


1 comment:

  1. Why not add a comment here? I'll put one in and see if it works.
